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Performance Analysis of Memory-intensive Workloads with Huge Page in Container Environment
Essay for 2022 UROP program / SSLAB

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Paper // Notion page for research
The HugePage is a page whose unit size is larger than that of the NormalPage (4KB).
The use of HugePage increases TLB hit ratio by reducing the number of pages required to represent the same amount of memory, thus speeding up data access.
For this reason, HugePage is known to be efficient especially in memory-intensive workloads.
In this paper, our aim is to evaluate the effect of HugePage in a container environment.
To do so, we run the containerized memory-intensive workloads in a Linux server and compare the performance results of the workloads with and without Huge Page.
Our experimental results show that the HugePage has a significant impact on the performance of memory-intensive workloads even in a container environment.
Huge Page, Memory intensive workloads, Container